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Metastable House





























設計監理 IN STUDIO(小笹泉、奥村直子)
構造設計監理 MOF(諸藤仁美)
施工 末吉林業
所在地 千葉県袖ケ浦市
建築面積 109.30m2
延床面積 92.17m2
階数 地上2階
構造 在来木造
設計期間 2022.2-2022.12
施工期間 2023.1-2023.7
写真 小笹泉


There was an uncertain environment.

Since the opening of the Tokyo Bay Aqualine in 1997, Sodegaura has become a metropolitan area that is connected to central Tokyo in one hour. the urbanization control area, which was delineated in 1968, has been allowed to develop residential land little by little due to housing demand, and the site is located on the front line where fields, bushes and residential areas are in conflict with each other. The client acquired the land in 2022, when the bushes were being cleared and the land was being developed into residential land. While we were designing the house, the land development was finished, a brand new housing site appeared, and houses began to be built one by one.

We observed the surroundings of the site in search of features. To the south is a field and to the west is a road. Beyond the field, bushes, a steel tower, and a housing development site can be seen. The road to the west is a dead end for more than a dozen lots of developed housing, and various elevations are attached to the houses that are being built. The housing lots are over 200 m2 in size, with no walls and wide spacing between adjacent buildings. There are many similar developed housing lots in the adjacent urbanized area. There are many farm houses, fields, and bushes in this area, none of which are enclosed, and the boundaries are not visually discernible. There is a sense of a mixture of developed and undeveloped areas and an undulating horizon.

By the way, I am uneasy about designing a house leaning against a housing site with no history. On the other hand, it is refreshing to see an expanse of fields with a sense of geological history. On the other hand, the expanse of fields with a sense of geological history is invigorating. The context surrounding the site is not stable, but it is not so unstable that it is impossible to design, and can be said to be in a semi-stable state. However, there is no sense of gloom here; rather, it seems to be a source of freedom and lightness.


The garden is a clue to living in an uncertain environment.

When a building is planned on a large enough site, about half of it will be a garden. The field to the south in the urbanization control area may be developed into residential land at any time, but even so, the field and the garden should be contiguous. We do not know what houses will be built across the road to the west, but the road and yard should be contiguous because the neighbor's house will have a certain setback and the road is a dead end, so it is a quiet vacant lot. Based on that speculation, the yard should be set to the southwest.

If we trust the surrounding environment and seek continuity and openness, we will be stuck when the surrounding environment changes. On the other hand, if we are distrustful of the surrounding environment and keep ourselves inside the site, we will not be able to enjoy the good qualities of this area. We thought it would be appropriate to have a neutral attitude toward the changing surrounding environment, so the garden was positioned so that it could face both the field and the road. Even if the field were to be turned into residential land or an unexpected house were to be built across the street, the house would still be able to maintain a reasonable living environment.

Floor Plan

The environment and the garden were used as clues to create the floor plan.

If the house is open to the environment and garden in one direction, it will become boring after many years of living in it, and it will become a dead end when the surrounding environment changes. Therefore, we will add transformations so that the interior can be open to multiple directions, and the difference between the front and the back, and between the center and the periphery can be created. The external form is determined by the surrounding environment and the convenience of the garden.

At this point, we are beginning to be aware of the restrictions of the wooden structure. A span of 2.7m is sufficient to create a living space with little patience. On the other hand, if the goal is to create an orderly structure with a limited amount of lumber, I realized that it would be better to place girders and ridges at intervals of 2.7m and to place columns on the parallel lines between them. The floor plan is determined by the equilibrium between the convenience of the external form, the convenience of living, and the convenience of the wooden structure. The equilibrium state is defined as a state in which the external form, the living space, and the wooden structure do not force each other to do anything.


The roof is to give structure and space to the environment, the garden, and the floor plan.

The roof is a group of four 2" pitched roofs, gabled to the road and flat to the field, to create a certain depth to an uncertain environment, to create a structure on an unregulated site, to accept the horizon of a field that is expected to expand for the time being, and to allow various views of the outside from the interior and to obtain light. The roof extends well beyond the exterior of the interior, covering the garden and the parking area. The roof integrates the environment, the garden, and the floor plan.

The roof is divided into several pieces to respond to the openness of the environment, while at the same time responding to the uncertainty of the environment by forming a group structure and covering it. It is small and large, simple and complex, discrete and centripetal, simple and magnificent. The roof mediates between pairs of meanings, contradictions, and uncertainties.

Floors, furniture

The roof creates a place for people to live under.

Under the roof is still too uncertain and large in scale for human habitation, and the space experienced is uniform and unique. Therefore, the floor of the first floor is uneven and connected to the floor of the second floor, making the ground level and all the floors continuous so that the mood is not interrupted. The steps in the floor give the space multiple orientations, and combined with the slope of the roof, the space becomes fluid.

The kitchen, table set, desk, and staircase are installed to respond to the steps, affording the posture and orientation of the inhabitants. With the interior equipped with functionality, a place for human habitation finally emerges.

Tailoring the impression

Tailor the impression of the place.

It is necessary to create a firm impression of the uncertain environment and fast-paced life, as well as a subtle impression for continued living. Fiberboards are inserted so that a shaft structure of 120mm in appearance and 10mm in appearance appears. 2730mm pitch structural timbers with a strong impression appear, and 910mm pitch timbers, which can be seen as both structural and decorative, appear. Both the individual timbers and the individual fiberboards are made to show autonomous forms, making the group a place of covering.

After creating the basic scale of the structure, the impression is created through scale and proportion, such as by tailoring the furniture with modules of 400mm, half the size, to create a high density, or by creating a grandeur with windows, columns, tops, and balustrade walls of 3~4m in length.

Updating the environment's appearance

Starting with an uncertain environment, building up assumptions, and creating a space in reality while paying attention to equilibrium, one feels as if reality has been slightly renewed. The field in front of me seems to miraculously exist, and the wooden house on the same housing site seems to have latent potential that has not yet blossomed. When we create a place by starting with the environment, we renew our view of the environment.

In a long-lasting place, the city will create architecture, architecture will create the city, streetscapes will emerge, and culture will emerge. This is an authentic and strong way of weaving space, but the existing environment in the world is more often than not uncertain. By repeating the process of creating space based on uncertainty, we can move the world forward in a positive direction. This residence is a grain of such a practice.

Design & Supervision : IN STUDIO (Izumi Kosasa, Naoko Okumura)
Structural Design & Supervision :MOF (Hitomi Morofuji)
Construction : Sueyoshi Forestry
Location : Sodegaura City, Chiba
Building area : 109.30m2
Total floor area : 92.17m2
Number of floors : 2 floors above ground
Structure : Conventional wood
Design period : 2022.2-2022.12
Construction period : 2023.1-2023.7
Photo : Izumi Kosasa

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