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Timbered Kiosk



しかし都市計画学者からすると、農地混じりの都市は理想の都市であった。産業革命により自然から疎外されたイギリスの都市を憂いたE.ハワードの田園都市(Garden City・1898)の提案は自然との共生・職住近接が核であり、田園都市レッチワース(1902)を建設した。(東京でも渋沢栄一が田園都市を建設したが、ここに田園はほとんどなく、緑豊かな住宅地にとどまった。)農地混じりの都市は羨まれる理想の都市なのである。そこでは太陽と雨を受ける土で野菜が育ち、そこに住む人々が手にとって食べ、自然資源の循環を実感して生きることができる。生きた心地のする都市なのである。そうした農地混じりの都市が、東京西部の東久留米にもある。




設計 IN STUDIO(小笹泉、奥村直子)
施工 基礎とフレーム:シグマ建設 その他全て:IN STUDIO(小笹泉、奥村直子)、施主
設計期間 2018.8-2018.12
施工期間 2019.12
写真 小笹泉


Farmland in cities has always been at the mercy of the landowners. After the war, the Agricultural Land Reform (GHQ, 1947) and the Agricultural Land Law (1952) dismantled the agricultural land and forced the farmers to farm on a small scale. During the period of rapid economic growth, when the pressure for urban development increased, the City Planning Law (1968) defined urbanized areas to be urban and urbanized control areas to be rural, and the separation of urban and agricultural land was promoted. At the time of the collapse of the bubble economy, when the survival of urban farmland finally became difficult, the tax measures of the Production Green Land Law (1992) forced urban farmland to choose between production green land and the construction of rental housing, and landowners secured income by selling off the farmland they had inherited from their ancestors and managing it as rental. However, in recent years, with a declining and ageing population, the pressure for development has finally weakened, and the Basic Law on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas (1999) and the Basic Law on the Promotion of Urban Agriculture (2015) have reassessed the functions of urban farmland in terms of environmental protection, landscape, fire prevention and evacuation, and agricultural awareness and education. The urban farmland has been carved into small pieces. Urban farmland has been chopped up into small pieces, urbanised and eventually prolonged to the present day. For the farmers, it is a painful history of agricultural policy, and for the developers, it may seem like a disappointing city.

From the point of view of urban planners, however, the city with its mixture of farmland was the ideal city. E. Howard's proposal for a Garden City (1898), which was based on the idea of living in harmony with nature and close proximity to work and housing, was based on his concern that British cities had become alienated from nature as a result of the Industrial Revolution. (In Tokyo, Eiichi Shibusawa built a Garden City, but it was little more than a green residential area. A city mixed with farmland is an ideal city to be envied. It is a city where vegetables grow in soil that receives the sun and the rain, where people can eat with their hands, and where they can live with the cycle of natural resources. It is a city where you feel alive. Such a city with mixed farmland can be found in Higashikurume in western Tokyo.

In Higashikurume, we were asked to design and build a direct vegetable market. Observing the market again, the principles of the market became clear to me. First of all, it is located at the boundary between the field where the vegetables are supplied and the street where people pass by, so that the world of vegetables and the world of people meet. It is also functional and simple because it is an agricultural facility, it is temporary, simple, inexpensive and can be made by oneself. It is a serious attempt to put vegetables from the fields in the hands of people. The new market should take on these principles.

The new market is made up of a 90 x 90 mm frame of preservative treated pine wood, covered with 30 x 40 mm timber. This method of construction is used in the nearby MIDORIYA, a complex selling vegetables, books, a café and events, and is already recognised as a local icon. The floor plan of the market is 1.8 x 5.4m with a ceiling height of 1.8m. The front square is the entrance, the middle square is the vegetable storage area for unattended sales, and the back square is the reception area for hands-on farming and face-to-face sales. The density of the wall tiles gradually increases according to their function. As with the walls, the ceiling and floor are also made of openwork, with multiple screws at the intersections of the frames to bear even forces, making the structure a combination of transparent but rigid surfaces like a cage. A 50-year-old, 20-metre high metasequoia tree has its roots right next to the shop, so the foundations were designed to be independent of the fence, taking care not to damage the roots. As you approach the large metasequoia from a distance, you can see the wooden cage floating and rolling a little. The furniture is planned in small 300mm modules, made of yellow panelling (painted plywood for formwork). The pavement that extends from the entrance to the shop is also made of 300mm square concrete slabs. Furniture and slabs stored in baskets are scattered inside and outside the baskets to create a place where people can place their vegetables and stop by.

Although the market is small, it is hoped that by taking on the world of agriculture and the people who live there, by taking on the principles of the market and participating in the local market network, and by giving it a small monumentality, the point-like facility will have a big impact, rooted in place and history.

Design : IN STUDIO (Izumi Kozasa and Naoko Okumura)
Construction : IN STUDIO (Izumi Kozasa, Naoko Okumura), Client
Design period : 2018.8-2018.12
Construction period : 2019.12

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